
29 July 2011

Guest post by the Kitchen Mogul: Three favorites from the UK

Last January, I had the opportunity to visit my first European kitchen show and it was a revelation! There were so many styles, trends and technologies that we don’t yet have in the States.

That got me thinking that a thrilling “threesome” could come from a blogger from “across the pond.” Happily, the Kitchen Mogul agreed to be that voice from afar. Here are his favorite UK trends this season.

Shelves and voids

Uniform lines and clinical finishes are not as interesting as they used to be so, increasingly, European kitchens have become riddled with nooks and voids. These open spaces create aesthetic interest for the viewer and help layer the design.

The use of open shelving has also been influential in blurring the boundaries between kitchen and living space, allowing the kitchen to become personalised with familiar objects and photos. These elements dilute the kitchen look and allow the user to introduce sentiment into the environment and establish personal comfort within this functional space.

An Ewe Kitchen

The Contemporary Classic Kitchen

In ancient times, conflict between two opposing kingdoms was resolved though personal union; you know how the story goes! So it is interesting to see the emergence of the Contemporary Classic Kitchen. This hybrid design embraces the precise lines and asymmetrical geometry of contemporary kitchen design, but also harnesses the warmth and longevity of traditional textures and door profiles. This particular concept helps to resolve the age old predicament of having a trendy kitchen for now that will provide fashionable reassurance into the future. The Mogul predicts that this will become an increasingly powerful trend!

An MVK Italia Kitchen

The Shape Shifter

The modern kitchen has been released from its architectural confines and has now been accepted as the functional centre piece of our homes. With the popularity of open plan living, it is important that the modern kitchen displays versatility, allowing the user to physically and emotionally interact with the space.

The level of transformation can be quite extreme, with some designs coming complete with fully-automated moving parts to move the kitchen from a standby to an in-use position. Other methods are quite subtle with designers using only lighting to change how the kitchen is perceived. Having the ability to shift between states of use can help to enhance the surrounding architecture and add to the overall users experience.

A Linea Quattro kitchen

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