
18 October 2011

What do an Arc and an iPhone have in common?

I wasn’t thinking terribly much about Apple Computer – other than hoping my antiquated iPhone 3G wouldn’t expire on the trip – when I headed to San Francisco last week for a Zephyr Ventilation design blogger event.

That changed shortly after I arrived at the Bay Area-based ventilation company’s gorgeous SoMa showroom.

Among the treats arranged for our event was a terrific presentation by Robert Brunner, founder of Apple’s internal design group, Apple IDg, and a Zephyr design partner.

You can see the same sleek thought processes that inspired his former boss, Steve Jobs -- a legendary design perfectionist -- at work in Brunner’s Arc series for the lesser-known Zephyr. Especially the Horizon.

While it’s unlikely that Arc will become as ubiquitous as the iPhone 4, the similarities are striking – and quite sexy! Both are as streamlined as a Jazz Age ocean liner, as glossy as a new Tesla.

This is art for your kitchen. They’ve even one-upped the style mavens at Apple by offering Horizon finishes I would love to see on my next iPhone, especially Red Glass. (I’m not holding out hope, though, that my 3G will last until the 5 debuts next year. My techie says it should rightfully be in digital hospice by now.)

Zephyr has long been known for stylish hoods. Brunner just upped the ante. Are you listening, Apple? Is there a red iPhone or leaf-patterned iPad in our future?

By the way, I suggested to Brunner and our Zephyr hosts that they find a way to incorporate an operational, touch-screen driven TV screen on the face of the Horizon! Wouldn't it be killer to watch your favorite shows on this sexy beast while making dinner? Wouldn't it???

This was my clear favorite of the Arc series, but there are other sleek styles by the one-time PowerBook designer. Here are a few more Brunner styles. From top to bottom, Layers, Plane and Tilt.

PS: Among my fellow attendees at Zephyr's event last week were some top-notch colleagues, including three Blogger 19 buddies, Kelly Morisseau of Kitchen Sync, Sarah Lloyd of Kitchen Clarity and Paul Anater of Kitchen and Residential Design!

Undoubtedly, they'll be offering more serious, in-depth coverage of the line than my book-sogged brain is capable of right now. I've linked to their blogs to ensure you'll be able to find their insights when they post them.

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