
13 December 2011

BOOK LOOK - Patina Style

I love design books. They inspire or inform, sometimes both. Patina Style by Steve and Brooke Giannetti falls heavenly into the inspiration column. It’s Brooke’s gorgeous Velvet & Linen design blog sashaying off the screen and onto your coffee table.

Patina Style is divided into five chapters covering just about every design topic you'd want to consider when looking around your own home. There's also a Los Angeles-focused resource guide, if you want to shop at the same places as Brooke and Steve.

Patina Style’s soft pages are as sensuous to the touch as they are to the eye. Its elegant images of cozy coastal spaces seduce you with their subtle shadings. This is a book for the design gourmand. You don’t want to read it so much as devour its delicious style.

If you did want to read it, you might find the small, elegant type hard to read with older eyes. The pretty page numbers and scripted headlines are also a bit tough to decipher, but these are mere trifles. They just mean you won’t be calling your best friend, shrieking, ‘Did you see the gorgeous vanity mirror on page 96 of the Warm Bathrooms chapter. It’s exactly what I want for the summer cottage.’ Er, page what???

If this book didn’t come to me as a review copy, I’d be sorely tempted to buy it at my local Barnes & Noble. And I’d be thumbing through it every time I stopped in!

Here are some of the beautiful photographs in the book. These were all shot by co-author/architect Steve Giannetti.

You can buy yourself a copy by clicking here.


Design*Sponge at Home
Kelly's Kitchen Sync


  1. love design books! one of them is always on my bedside table. going to checke The Patina Style. Happy weekend

  2. Ruby and DE, I agree entirely! Thanks for dropping by. Hope you'll both come back for more Book Looks and other posts.
