
29 March 2011

The things we carry - A weighty Let's Blog Off post

I love being part of the #Let's Blog Off series, where a gathering of talent throughout the blogosphere writes on the same theme every couple of weeks. In December, I wrote on "If money were no object." This is my second, weightier LBO. What I carry around, logistically-speaking A basic black Coach City Bag that outlasted my nine-year marriage... And that my ex thought should be registered as a weapon, it's so heavy!

Carrying my stuff since 1996!

Of course it is. It's got my business and personal lives in its leather belly. It's also got emergency lip gloss and nail polish, a mini tape measure from my Viking designer training program, (since you never know when you'll need to measure something for the new place!), my West Elm, Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware trade discount cards, (since you never know when you'll need to buy something for the new place either!), my highly-prized, never-come-often-enough Bed, Bath & Beyond 20 percent off coupons, various gift cards and a photo of my Mom as a teenager in the 50s, looking like Lauren Bacall!

Sandy at 16

I also carry an iPhone 3G that I hope will make it to its second birthday in May - why don't electronics hold up??? - but preferably until the next generation iPhone comes out later this spring. That way I can decide whether to spring for the new one or cheap out on the 3GS at $49. This glorious, now tired gadget and its social enablers, (Twitter, Facebook, texting, unlimited long distance), saved my sanity during my separation, divorce and relocation to a city where I had acquaintances, but no close friends. The 2010 and 2009 years would have been even tougher without my Apple a day/hour/minute.

What I carry around, physically-speaking

Right now, I carry around an extra 17 or so pounds. Many women would be unhappy about this fact. I'm thrilled that it's no longer 90 extra pounds - the kind that made walking the trade show floor at the International Builders Show or Kitchen/Bath Industry Show hell on my overburdened feet. When my marriage crashed and burned in June 2009, I was so sedentary, I thought I'd have a heart attack or a stroke from the stress, so I started swimming. And lost 33 pounds. When I moved to San Diego, I didn't have a wonderful Olympic-length swimming pool at my community, as I did in Tampa, so I developed a walk with hills and stairs. That was the next set of pounds. So, when I visited the LivingKitchen Show in Cologne in January of this year, thanks to the generosity of my friends at Blanco, my feet, relieved of 75 pounds of extra weight, didn't demand Ibuprofen at the end of the day, or several shoe changes along the way. Thank God!

Jamie "happy footing" on porcelain top at LivingKitchen show

What I carry around, spiritually-speaking

I carry around both sadness and relief at the demise of TriGold, (the marriage at 40 that I thought would last forever), a tremendous amount of gratitude for the incredible family I have and the amazing friends in my life. I carry delight at the community of designers and bloggers I've joined.

Four of the Blogger 19 plus Lori Dolnick, PR pro for Blanco L to R, Susan Serra, Leslie Clagett, Lori, Jamie, Paul Anater

And I'm incredibly grateful for the natural beauty of my San Diego surroundings. It only took me 22 years to move here, after all!

View from the San Diego Sierra Club Lodge

And being me, still and always, I carry around a continual sense of worry. It's my default, my inner Jewish Mother! In his wonderful book, Happiness is a Serious Problem, Dennis Prager described the three pillars of joy, as best as I can remember them: 1) gratitude for what you have in life; 2) a sense of purpose; 3) Doing what you need to get done. For me, that means taking care of myself, my body, my clients, my readers, my car and home, and the people I care most about.


  1. I like how you categorized the things that you carry. My purses get so abused they barely last a year.

  2. Thanks. The Coach leather bags hold up better than any other I've ever owned. That's why I'll only buy theirs now.

  3. Jamie - I love this post. I can relate to so much of it. Now if I could drop the 80lbs I've gained since last you saw me!!!! What an inspiration you are.

  4. Thanks, Brenda! I really appreciate your compliment. The weight loss has just come from exercising and eating better.

  5. Awesome job, Jamie and you look FABULOUS! These blog offs are really tough to write. I sometimes wonder why I do it but I'm glad you did. Thanks for sharing so generously.

  6. What a great way to give a glimpse of who you are personally and professionally! Fantastic post, Jamie, and I remember that bag from your North Louisiana days. May you travel light and joyfully as the journey continues!

  7. Thank you, Gloria! They are so different from our usual, aren't they.

  8. Thank you so much, Judy. That's high praise indeed coming from one of my own favorite writers. I wish the same for you... And Lois! Keep the Green tales comin'.

  9. Jamie, that is a beautiful and powerful post! I also remember the purse from your Shreveport days, and I love the picture of your mom, the beautiful Sandy.

    Take care, dear friend, and know I am so proud of you!

  10. Thank you, Cilla. I'm humbled by your words.

  11. Great post, Jamie. Interesting that having just met you I assume you have always been thin, athletic and self-assured. I guess I'm catching you towards the end of a long journey. Makes me even more impressed by you.

  12. Great post Jamie, thanks for joining in!

  13. Love the post! And the Coach. They are the only bags that last. And I'm going to need you and Susan to get me back on the weight loss train again. You both are doing so great!! Hope to see you at KBIS! Will you be at Dwell on Design too?

  14. Lori, Paul, Karen --
    Thanks so much for your thoughts! Paul, love being part of #LBO. Lori, I think you look great already. Karen, impressed with you and your talent, too. Glad to have met!

  15. You've inspired me to write one too. Coach bags do last, but so Brighton bags. I will have to include a photo of the one I'm carrying in my post. It's a bit Western looking, perfect for the move to Colorado.

  16. Glad you were inspired, Nicolette. I love Brighton, too. In fact, when I reach my weight goal later this year, I'm going to get myself a Brighton belt.

  17. It was my pleasure to share these musings. Thanks for taking the time to visit and comment. I'm honored.

  18. Everything about you sounds so well composed, Jamie. It is said that 40 is the second youth and your spirit is as that of an energetic youth. Keep it up!

  19. Thank you so very much for the kind words, and for stopping by.
