
31 July 2012

Four Gold Notes Wishes for the Coming Year

I'm so grateful to my readers and guest bloggers for their continued support of Gold Notes.  It's been a wonderful adventure!  As I wrap up this month-long Fourth Anniversary celebration, I want to do two things beyond thank everyone over and over again:

Look Back

These were my three wishes from my Third Anniversary wrap up:

My first wish for Gold Notes’ next year is including even more guest posts. Done!  We had posts this past year on a wide range of subjects -- from home security to radiant floor heat to steam showers -- from a wide range of experts.  I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I did. 

My second wish for Gold Notes’ next year is to increase my readership. My traffic nearly doubled this past year.  Thank you for being a part of that!  Hopefully, this growth trend will continue into 2013!

My third wish, and this may be beyond 2012, given other commitments on my calendar -- including a kitchen idea book I'm writing for Taunton -- I’d like to see my Sensible Style series, launched in partnership with in 2009, collected into a book. This hasn't happened yet, but I'm hoping it will in the next year or two.

Look Forward

My first wish is to have Gold Notes integrate more closely with my design site in the second half of this year. I'll be starting that process next month.  My feed won't change and my content won't either.  I just want it to be easier to find and cross reference for everyone.

My second wish is already being fulfilled.  Gold Notes excerpts will start appearing in the San Diego Union-Tribune's Home & Garden section twice a month.  I'm very excited about finding new readers for my blog this way.

My third wish is to add video.  This is a medium with which I'm not entirely comfortable yet.  Getting good at bringing you tips and trends in that format is on my 2012-2013 to do list.  I'll keep you posted.

My fourth wish is to have more readers engage me to redesign their kitchens and baths.  I have experience with distance design and enjoy working that way.  If you have a project that would benefit from my Sensible Style philosophy and skill set, please let me know by calling or emailing.


Thank you, contributors and readers alike, for helping make Gold Notes a regular read for design enthusiasts.  Next week, we'll return to my regular weekly publishing schedule.  See you next Tuesday!

Jamie Goldberg, AKBD, CAPS

San Diego, CA

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