06 November 2012

Beyond the Kitchen - Post-Sandy Links

Yes, the horse is out of the barn now and the barn might be buried in water or burned down, sad to say.  That doesn't mean that the topic of disaster preparation shouldn't be addressed now -- if only because disasters strike everywhere.  I live in California, which is earthquake-prone.  I've lived in Florida, where hurricanes are a fact of life.  I've also lived in Northwest Louisiana, where tornadoes strike with little warning and devastating impact.  No area is immune to disaster, unfortunately, and help can take days to arrive.

I'm a volunteer for the American Red Cross.  (I started with them in 1992 after the Los Angeles riots; being involved made me feel less vulnerable.)

Here are some useful links from the Red Cross web site:

Prepare your home and family for a disaster.  This section includes how to plan and what to have on hand.

Emergency preparedness for your pet.

Helping a special needs and/or disabled person in an emergency.

Donate money to help disaster victims.

Donate blood!  It's always needed, but especially after a disaster.

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